As the Rheinische Post reported at the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Transport in Germany announced that it was working on an amendment to the road traffic regulations.
Overall, it is the opinion that active lighting on the bicycle increases visibility, that indicators increase the stability of the bicycle when turning and that the StVO should be brought up to speed with regard to electrical solutions for safety.
Bicycle Laws Germany 2025
In October 2024, the new StVO came into force in Germany, giving municipalities some tools. The first effects will hopefully be actively noticeable from spring 2025, when the associated administrative regulations are adopted. The StVO 2024 particularly facilitates the construction of
- bike lanes
- (cargo) bicycle parking spaces
- bicycle streets
- 30 km/h sections
No special local danger situation required anymore
Previously, municipalities had to prove that there was a particular local hazard situation in order to build cycle lanes, cycle streets, bicycle parking spaces or facilities that prevent cars from using such facilities (such as bollards). This criterion has been significantly relaxed, so that it is now sufficient if the municipality is pursuing climate protection or urban development with the measures.
New cycle lanes and bicycle parking spaces can also replace existing car parking spaces.
30 km/h sections
Municipalities were able to set up 30 km/h speed limits in front of daycare centers, schools and hospitals. It has now been made easier to set up speed limits in front of zebra crossings, playgrounds, school routes and facilities for people with disabilities.
Existing 30 km/h sections can be connected by additional 30 km/h sections, provided that the new sections are no longer than 500 metres.
Why are indicators on bicycles now allowed?
The change in the StVO for more indicators on bicycles has three main reasons:
- Reduction in bicycle accidents
- Increasing the visibility of female cyclists
- Increase stability on small vehicles
Indicators on bicycles reduce accidents
Experts expect indicators on all bicycles to reduce the number of accidents that occur in Germany year after year. In 2022 alone , more than 97,000 accidents involving bicycles occurred in Germany, with almost 500 people having fatal accidents. This is the result of surveys by TÜV.
More stability on bicycles and e-scooters
Turn signals have another crucial advantage: they make cycling more stable . A spokeswoman for the ADAC noted that giving hand signals is often difficult, especially for older people, because one hand has to be taken off the handlebars. However, the same topic also affects children or people with disabilities. It is often enough that the bicycle is heavily loaded, such as cargo bikes, or that high speeds are being driven, such as on e-bikes: The statutory accident insurance institute in Austria has found that bicycle couriers most often have accidents due to high speed, which impairs stability.
But not all indicators are the same: if you first have to move your hand to a switch or press a button at the end of the handlebars, you won't gain any safety from using the indicator. You can activate Flasher using gestures without having to move your hand a millimeter.
More children in protected child seats
From July 1st, cargo bikes may be able to carry more children, namely as many as the number of protected child seats provided by the manufacturer. The rigid limit of 2 kids per bike is therefore a thing of the past.
More visibility thanks to indicators when turning
Turning to the left is particularly dangerous because cyclists are overlooked by oncoming traffic. The hand signal is simply not enough to be seen in traffic. Active lighting at driver’s eye level increases visibility when turning. It is important that the indicators are visible from every direction and cannot be covered by a backpack or jacket. Flasher is worn on the upper arm and shines 360° to achieve exactly this visibility.
But even when turning right, indicators are simply easier to recognize than the classic hand signal. This is particularly true in the dark and poor visibility, but also during the day.
Current updates for Austria
In Austria, cycling traffic was last significantly revised in October 2022. For example, legal minimum distances when overtaking cyclists were introduced (1.5 meters lateral distance). A green arrow that allows right turns at red lights after stopping was also added to the road traffic regulations. In addition, on 30 km/h roads, two single-lane cyclists are permitted to ride next to each other, provided that no one is endangered or prevented from overtaking.
From July 1, 2025, municipalities will have more options to set a 30 km/h speed limit on roads. This will indirectly affect driving side by side. However, there are no other direct changes for cyclists.
However, something important will change for e-scooter riders in 2025 with regard to accident insurance on the way to work.
Accidents on the way to work involving e-scooters are not always insured by AUVA!
According to the Road Traffic Act, e-scooters are not vehicles, but sports equipment. Even smaller scooters are not vehicles. However, this means that accidents involving e-scooters on the way to work are not considered work-related accidents and are therefore not covered by AUVA insurance. This was recently confirmed in a ruling by the Supreme Court. There is therefore no entitlement to daily allowance or disability pension in the event of such an accident.
This means that e-scooters are treated very differently from bicycles. For individuals, this means that they have to take care of the stability and safety of the e-scooter themselves if they want to use these practical vehicles for their commute. The right equipment is therefore as important as ever, especially lighting, indicators and brake lights are indispensable.
30 km/h zones
It has recently become easier for municipalities to declare sections of road within their area as 30 km/h zones. With reduced bureaucracy and the elimination of excessive expert reports, the fact that municipal and city councils are usually better able to judge where there is a real need for slower speed limits within their own municipalities is taken into account.
Since cyclists have been allowed to ride next to each other on 30 km/h roads since 2022 - with certain exceptions - this competence of the municipalities also has an indirect impact on bicycle traffic.
What exactly is allowed from now on?
Specifically, it should be introduced that all bicycles may be equipped with direction indicators in the future. This change could possibly occur as early as January 2024. It is important that this does not create an obligation to mount indicators permanently on the bike. They remain optional, but the value of turn signals is clear.
However, you can already use the flasher because it doesn't have to be installed on the vehicle. This saves you time-consuming and expensive retrofitting and allows you to use any vehicle with an indicator - whether it's a bicycle, cargo bike, e-scooter, pedelec or similar.